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WOD – Mon, Feb 3


We start this week with the high skill, high capacity chipper. The flow of this workout will be up and down as we work our way from thrusters to handstand push-ups to the chest to bar pull-ups to double unders and then back in the opposite order. Our goal time is around the 11 minute mark for completion and the hard time cap will happen around 14 minutes total. This should give you a pretty good idea and approximation on how to scale the movements for a hard challenge, but also to meet the stimulus that even the fittest in the class will receive when they do the RXconditioning version. Taking a look at these movements as a whole should allow you to see that there will be tremendous shoulder fatigue–you’ll be pressing the thrusters overhead, getting upside down in the handstand push-ups, hanging from the rig for the chest to bar pull-ups, and then of course even spinning the rope–which will fatigue your shoulders and grip for the double unders. While you may be breathing hard, your primary limitation will happen in the hands and in the shoulders. Be smart, develop an attack plan, and try to stick to your game plan even when it gets hard!

Warm Up (Checkmark)

General (4:00)

1:00 jump rope skills (double under practice)

1:00 3 air squat + 6 step back lunge + overhead reach + 5 kip swings

2 rounds

Specific (15:00)

:10 handstand hold on wall

5 scap handstand push ups

3-5 Pike HSPU

3-5 Strict HSPU


5 scap pull up

3-5 kip/butterfly pull up

3-5 kip/butterfly chest to bar


3 front squat

3 push press

3 thruster

2 rounds (building bar as you go)

Thruster (Weight)

In 10:00, build to heavy thruster double!

(primer for today’s workout, not intended for big PR lift)

Conditioning (Time)


9 Thruster (155/105lb.)

15 Strict HSPU

30 Chest to bar pull up

150 Double under

30 Chest to bar pull up

15 Strict HSPU

9 Thruster

For time.

Goal: Sub 11:00

Time Cap: 14:00


9 Thruster (95/65lb.)

15 Strict 1 abmat HSPU

30 pull up (or reduced C2B)

150 Single unders or reduced double unders

30 pull up

15 Strict 1 abmat HSPU (consider scaling reps too)

9 Thruster

For time.


9 Thruster (35/15lb.)

12 Pike HSPU

20 Leg supported chest to bar pull up

50 Plate hops

20 Leg supported chest to bar pull up

12 Pike HSPU

9 Thruster

For time.

Cool Down (AMRAP – Reps)

Seated pike leg raise

:30 max reps

1:00 rest x 2 sets