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WOD – Thu, Feb 27


Each week for the next 3 weeks we will program a “flow or go” workout. The reason is to keep the body fresh for tomorrow’s Open workout for those who came in for a good sweat but also allow those who haven’t gotten to train much this week to get after it the way they want to! The movements will be low destructive in order to keep muscle soreness to a minimum–but the heart rate can be bolstered very high if that’s the go. This is why we call it flow or go. The choice is yours based on the intended outcome for today!

Warm Up (Checkmark)

General (4:00)

:30 Row

:30 Jumping Jack

:30 Bike

:30 Seal Jack

2 rounds

Specific (12:00)

10 Box step up

5 KB Deadlift (light)

5 Russian KB Swing

5 American KB Swing

5 No push Up burpee

1 No weight turkish get up (lead by coach)

2 Turkish get up each arm (light weight)

2 Turkish get up each arm (workout weight)

Flow or Go (AMRAP – Reps)

RXConditioning (30:00)

1:00 Cal Row or Bike

1:00 Box Step up (24/20’)

1:00 KB Swing (53/35lb.)

1:00 Cal Row or Bike

1:00 No Push Up Burpee

1:00 Turkish Get up (53/35lb.)

5 rounds flow or go!


1:00 Cal Row or Bike

1:00 Box Step up (24/20’)

1:00 KB Swing (35/20lb.)

1:00 Cal Row or Bike

1:00 No Push Up Burpee

1:00 Turkish Get up (35/20lb.)

5 rounds flow or go!


1:00 Cal Row or Bike

1:00 Box Step up (24/20’)

1:00 KB Swing (15/10lb.)

1:00 Cal Row or Bike

1:00 No Push Up Burpee

1:00 Turkish Get up (unweighted)

5 rounds flow or go!

Cool Down (Checkmark)

3×20 Banded pull a part

3×10-15 GHD Hip extension


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