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WOD – Wed, Feb 26


Today we touch gymnastics, monostructural and weightlifting! It’s a combo that puts high demand on heart rate and on shoulder fatigue. For most, skills won’t be the limiter in today’s work but rather their general work capacity to keep moving for all 10 rounds consistently! Scale to try to keep rounds average around 1:30 or faster, in order to have a chance of the targeted finish window.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

General (6:00)

1:00 Row

1:00 shuttle run

1:00 Bike

1:00 Alternating Box step up/ round 2 jump up, step down

2 rounds

Specific (10:00)

10 Plank shoulder tap

3 Inch worm (feet stationary, walk hands to feet)

10 Hollow rock (position we should feel in wall walk)

2 Wall Walks for practice

5 Single arm DB Deadlift each arm (between legs)

3 DB muscle snatch each arm

3 DB Power snatch each arm

5 practice snatch each arm (with workout weight)

Skill (Checkmark)

(7:00) Handstand walk development/practice

  • 10 Lunge to handstand
  • Handstand hold (on wall or free)
  • Handstand shoulder tap (on wall or free)
  • Handstand walk max distance (2 attempts)
Conditioning (Time)

RXConditioning (17:00)

10 rounds for time

3 Wall Walk

9 Box jump over (24/20’)

12 Alternating DB Snatch (50/35lb.)

Goal: 13-15 minutes

Cap 17:00


10 rounds for time

2 Wall Walk

6 Box jump over (20’/14’)

10 Alternating DB Snatch (35/20lb.)


8 rounds for time

1 Partial Wall Walk or 10 plank shoulder tap

6 Plate jump overs (varied height)

10 Alternating Hang DB Snatch (15/10lb.)

Cool Down (3 Rounds for reps)

:30 max V Up

:30 max Sit Up

1:00 Rest

3 rounds

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