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WOD – Sat, Feb 22


Teams of 2 chipper! Today we both work throughout the completion of today’s chipper. One partner will execute the completion of the listed movement and the other must act as a place holder to allow the working partner to work.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

General: (7:00)

10 you go, I go shuttle runs (5 each)

600m Row, you go, I go x 100m each

25ft. Bear crawl, you go, I go

25ft. Walking lunge, you go, I go

25ft. Spiderman crawl, you go, I go

50ft. Burpee broad jump, you go, I go


Specific Warm Up: (8:00)

:10 Top of push up hold

:10 Wall sit

10 Hollow rock

2 Wall Walk

:10 Dead hang from rig

4 S.A. Burpee step up (lighter than workout weight)

Conditioning (Time)


30 Wall Walk

*Other partner must be hanging from pull up rig

40 Shuttle run (25ft. Out and bak =1)

*Other partner must hold wall sit

50 S.A.DB Burpee step up (24/20’)(50/35lb.)

*Other partner must hold top of push up

60/50 Cal Row

*Other partner must hold handstand against wall

Goal: Sub 20:00

Cap 25:00


20 Wall Walk (partial range of motion or less reps)

*Other partner must be hanging from pull up rig

30 Shuttle run (less distance)

*Other partner must hold wall sit

40 S.A.DB Burpee step up (24/20’)(35/20lb.)

*Other partner must hold top of push up

50/40 Cal Row

*Other partner must hold handstand in pike position off box


12 Wall Walk (partial range of motion or less reps)

*Other partner must be hanging from pull up rig

15 Shuttle run (less distance)

*Other partner must hold wall sit

20 S.A.DB Burpee step up (24/20’)(35/20lb.)

*Other partner must hold top of push up

50/40 Cal Row

*Other partner must hold handstand in pike position off box

Cool Down (Checkmark)
  • Partner Russian twist roulette
  • 1 person executes seated Russian twist with medball, while feet are in the air

Other partner holds a seated position balancing on butt with heels off the floor while other partner works

4×30 each partner