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WOD – Thu, Feb 20


Today’s workout is solely scored on the work you accomplish at the barbell. Don’t worry, your fitness won’t mind, you will get an amazing workout simply going through the pull ups and box jumps overs each round. But today that is simply where the round begins. It is ok to select loads today that give you a bit of a struggle under fatigue. It will make you stronger and force your focus, but for those who cycle the RX’d loads well, this will turn into a challenge of sheer will and intensity.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

General: 10:00

3:00 easy shuttle run


:30 banded lat stretch each arm

:30 pigeon stretch each leg

:30 spiderman stretch each leg (back knee down)


Specific (as group for coach eyes and cues) 25:00

10 PVC pass through

10 PVC Overhead Squat

5 PVC hang Squat snatch

5 Barbell overhead squat

5 Hang Power snatch

5 Hang Squat snatch

5 empty barbell Power clean

3 reps at workout weight for hang squat snatch

5 Power cleans up to workout weight for cleans

5 deadlifts at workout weight


4 box step ups

4 box jump step down

4 box jump over + step down


:10 dead hang pull up rig

5 kip swings

5 kip swing 2 pull up 5 kip swings

5-10 practice pull ups

Primer (Checkmark)

1 round

5 pull up

6 box jump over

3 Hang squat snatch

Conditioning (AMRAP – Reps)

RXConditioning: (19:00)

5:00 AMRAP

30 Pull Up

20 Box jump over (step down) (24/20’)

Max reps hang squat snatch (135/95lb.)

2:00 Rest

5:00 AMRAP

30 Pull up

20 Box jump over (step down)(24/20’)

Max reps power clean (185/125lb.)

2:00 Rest

5:00 AMRAP

30 pull up

20 Box jump over (step down)(24/20’)

Max reps deadlift (225/155lb.)


Banded pull up


95/65- 135/95-185/125lb.


15 Ring Row or jumping pull up

20 Plate hops (or step ups)


Cool Down (Checkmark)

3×20 Banded face pull


3×20 Landmine rotation

Optional Flow (Checkmark)

3:00 Bike or Row

3×10 Banded good morning

3×20 Banded face pull

3:00 Bike or Row

3×20 V Up

3x 20 Superman

3:00 Bike or Row

3×10 Cossack slide

3×20 Banded straight arm pull down

3:00 Bike or Row

3×20 Alternating DB Curl and press

3×15 DB Skull crusher

3:00 Bike or Row