General: (8:00)
400m Run
10 Heel to butt quad stretch
10 Walking hamstring stretch (kick stand hinge)
10 Spiderman
10 Scorpion
10 Curtsy lunge
10 Lateral bridge raise each side
Specific: (12:00)
5 Wide stance air squat
5 Normal stance air squat
5 Narrow stance air squat
3 Squat jump
At rack:
- Unrack details (where to place bar, how to brace, how to bail if needed, or how to spot)
5 Back Squat at coaches cue pause in bottom
5 Back Squat at athletes tempo (empty)
3 sets of 3 reps to build and find first set of 4
Start back squats
Heavy Day (21:00)
RXConditioning/ Intermediate/ Baseline:
Back Squat
Every 3:00 x 7 sets
4-4-3-3-2-2-20 @60-65% of your heavy double.
*Start around 80% 1rm. In notes, put all of your scores for each set. For load tracking, record your heaviest double as your score.
All groups conditioning: (10-15:00)
1x max distance sled push in 1:00 at 50% body weight.
Distance should be tracked in feet.
3-5 minutes bike/row/ski/walk
*important to flush the legs after a big day of training.
Today is a simple heavy day and power output. The legs will need a hug after we train. The best news about training like this is that regardless if your goal is to lean out and lose body fat or get yolked and strong, training legs (hard) is the best way to get this response. There is no better way to deplete glycogen storage and access using body fat as fuel than hard contractions under heavy load for squats. Then we will finish with a big set of 20 to condition, which leads into the ultimate test of max distance in 1:00 of sled push at 50% body weight. Athletes should feel like they can start at a run pace with the load and of course that may change quickly after the first 15-20 seconds. Rotate through the class in the best format for the size.