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WOD – Mon, Feb 17


Today we will push the limits with a heavy 3 push press to start off. The goal is to start moderate and build load each set so that you can find what you can actually move for the final 2 sets! After the strength work we get in a high volume triplet. Yes, you will work through 100 reps of each of the 3 movements, so be mindful of possible scales and adjustments for the volume but cling to keeping the RX’d movements if you can do them RX’d!

Warm Up (Checkmark)

General (4:00)

1:00 row or bike

:30 couch stretch each leg

:30 lat stretch each arm

:30 spiderman each leg (back knee down)


Specific (12:00)

30 jumping jack

5 hip down push up

5 push up

5 bar facing burpee

2 rounds


:20 dead hang (supinated)

:20 dead hang (pronated)

10 hollow rock

10 superman

10 kip swing

2×5 kip swing leg raise

2×5 kipping knees to elbows or toes to bar


5 strict press

5 dip and hold (vertical torso)

5 push press (squeeze butt prior to arm extension)

2×3 push press building to strength set

Push Press (Weight)

Strength: (10:00)

Push Press

Every 2:00 x 4 sets

Building to a heaviest set of 3 possible

Conditioning (Time)

RXConditioning: (20:00)

10 Bar facing burpee

10 Toes to bar

10 Push press (95/65lb.)

10 rounds for time.

Goal: Sub 15:00

Cap: 19:00


10 Bar facing burpee

10 Hang kipping leg raise

10 Push press (75/55lb.)

10 rounds for time.

Goal: Sub 15:00

Cap: 19:00


10 Bar facing burpee

10 V Up

10 Push press (95/65lb.)

5 rounds for time.

Goal: Sub 15:00

Cap: 19:00

Cool Down (Weight)

3×12 Bent Row + Shrug (DB’s)