20 stationary high knees
20 stationary butt kicks
20 toe pops (jump through ankles)
30/24 cal row as a pair
10 sit up
10 plank shoulder tap
:20 hollow rock
2-3 wall walk
5 kb deadlift
5 kb Russian swing
5 kb American swing
Each partner practice primer
6 sit up
2 wall walk
6 kb swing
2 rounds
800m Run (both partners at the same time)
2k Row for time or 5k Echo Bike
*Non working partner must complete 18 Sit Ups + 6 Wall Walks + 18 KB Swings (53/35lb.) prior to switching roles on the erg.*
800m Run (both partners at the same time)
600m Run (both partners at the same time)
2k Row for time or 5k Echo Bike
*Non working partner must complete 18 Sit Ups + 5 Wall Walks + 18 KB Swings (35/20lb.) prior to switching roles on the erg.*
600m Run (both partners at the same time)
200m Run (both partners at the same time)
1500k Row for time or 3k Echo Bike
*Non working partner must complete 12 Sit Ups + 4 Plank to inchworm + 12 KB Swings (15/10.) prior to switching roles on the erg.*
200m Run (both partners at the same time)
Half Tabata
:20 work/ :10 rest
Banded bicep curl (4 rounds, burn it down)
Today is a long grinder of a partner workout! We will run far (total), row a moderate distance, and do a lot of work in between. The flow is to run together, then we work separately as the row or bike distance is covered by one member and you may switch only after the other partner accomplishes the sit up, wall walk, and KB swing prescribed. Scale the movements to something that each partner can approximately accomplish in 2:30 or less.