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WOD – Thu, Feb 13


Today we burn it down. This triplet is designed to be a fast but moderate time domain burner. The grip and shoulders will get taxed with the combo of the hang snatch and toes to bar. This will demand awareness and pacing, the burpee will not. Use that as the movement to hammer down on consistency. Like the squat yesterday, the burpees don’t have to be crazy fast, but you should be steadily moving. The hang snatch should be scaled so that you can get to 24 in 2 sets, and the goal would be to keep it at that in the rounds to follow. Toes to bar should be done in 3 sets to get 24, or less.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

30 jumping jack

20 lateral jump over bar

10 Spider-Man

5 hip down push up

5 push up

5 burpee

4 burpee lateral jump over db


10 hollow rock

10 Superman

5 Kip swing

5 Kip swing + knees to chest

2x 5 toes to bar or scale


3 snatch deadlift

3 muscle snatch

3 hang power snatch

3 hang muscle snatch

Hang Power Snatch (Weight)

Every 2:00 for 5 sets execute:

3 Hang Power Snatch

These sets should be challenging from the start today. No risk at missing but not light and easy to start, leave a little room for building.

Conditioning (Time)



Hang Snatch (75/55lb.)

Toes to bar

Lateral Burpee over Bar

Goal: Sub 11:00

Cap: 14:00



Hang Snatch (55/35lb.)

Hanging leg raise

Lateral Burpee over Bar



Hang Snatch (25/15lb.)

Lying leg raise to bar

Lateral Burpee step over bar

Cool Down (2 Rounds for reps)

1:00 of banded face pull (max reps)

1:00 Rest

2 sets


2:00 accumulate in bottom squat (stretch position not “work” position)

Optional Flow (Checkmark)

This flow is 3:00 of an erg then 3:00 cycling through a series of movements. Regardless of where you are in the series of movements, after 3:00, move on to the next erg.

3:00 Bike

3:00 of:

12 Banded good morning

12 Banded overhead press

12 Banded face pull

12 hollow Rock

12 Superman

3:00 Row or Ski

3:00 of:

:10-:20 Dead hang

:30 Pancake stretch

20 Standing Landmine rotations

10 Landmine thrusters

3 rounds