5:00 jump rope practice with coach lead drills
10 lateral lunge
10 curtsy lunge
5 wall squat
2 rounds
5 row strokes legs only
5 row strokes hip + arms only
10 full row strokes
5 slow barbell back squat (3 count down)
5 back squat
2x 3 building to first set for strength
Every 2:00 for 5 sets execute 3 back squats
Building throughout to a “tough 3” RPE 8/10
Every 3:00 x 6 rounds
12/9 cal row or bike
10 back squat (225/155lb.)
30 single cross unders
Every 3:00 x 6 rounds
12/9 cal row or bike
10 back squat (165/115lb.)
10 cross under single unders or 30 single leg single unders each leg
Every 3:00 x 6 rounds
6/5 cal row or bike
7 back squat (35/15lb.)
24 single unders or plate hop
5:00 foam rolling quads and glutes and calves
Welcome to the strength pain cave! Yes, we can get strong at sub-maximal loads in a “for time” format while we are breathing hard and today that is the goal. Bike or row hard enough to get off in :40 or under, scale accordingly, then the back squats can get hard, but they must remain unbroken. They don’t need to be “fast” reps, but they should be steady. The rope will force focus after breathing hard and heavy legs, practice and refine prior to the WOD so you know a stimulus that allows for you to get through the work you select and have :30 rest minimum or more at the end of each interval.