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WOD – Mon, Feb 10


We kick the week off with a big chipper! The clock can’t save you, this one is for time. The trick is to really test the waters in the warm up/primer round to make sure you have appropriate selections to finish in the goal range or at the MINIMUM under the time cap. The cap is not there to stop you, it is there to guide you.

Heart rate will be high throughout this chipper. The key is to not come out too hot on the first 2 movements so you have a chance to be steady through the middle and end.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

:30 row

:30 lateral jump over bar

:30 1 lunge each leg + 1 air squat

:30 plank shoulder tap

2 rounds

1:00 lunge to handstand practice (free or wall)

5 scap HSPU

3-5 pike HSPU

3-5 pike HSPU off box

Kip HSPU practice

5 medball front squat

5 medball thruster

5 medball wallball

5 deadlift with coach

3×5 building to workout weight


5/4 cal row

5 deadlift

5 hspu

5 wallball

5 lateral burpee

For time

Conditioning (Time)


50/40 cal row

50 deadlift (225/155lb.)

50 Handstand push up

50 Wallball (20/14lb., 10/9ft.)

50 lateral burpee over bar

For time

Goal: sub 18:00/ Time cap: 21:00


50/40 cal row

50 deadlift (165/115lb.)

50 Handstand push up (1 abmat or pike off box)

50 Wallball (14/10lb., 10/9ft.)

50 lateral burpee over bar

For time

*consider a version with 40 or 30 reps if it allows to keep movement RX’d.


25/20 cal row

30 deadlift (75/55lb.)

30 Standing DB overhead press

30 Wallball (10/6lb.) (9ft or custom)

30 lateral burpee over bar (step over if needed)

For time

Cool Down (Weight)

3×10 cat/cow


3×12 each upright row (slower down than up tempo)