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WOD – Sat, Jan 4


Today we have a complete you go, I go triplet AMRAP. 1 person will do 10 KBS, 10 push press, 10 lateral bar jump overs then the next partner goes. While one person is working, the other is resting!

Warm Up (AMRAP – Reps)

6 frames of Row-ling

*Row as close to 100m as possible! Hands must be off rower handle by the time the meters hit 85m , the goal is to row naturally but at a pace that allows the monitor to roll to 100 or as close as possible. Each meter above or below 100 you are, that is your score. The lowest overall score through the frames is the winner.

For each meter accumulated in the 6 rounds, that athlete must do 1 air squat as a penalty!


20 jumping jacks

10 ground to over head (light plate)

10 plate push press

10 toe pops (light jumps through ankles and calves)

3 rounds


Prep and practice for movements in WOD.

Workout (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


10 KB swings (53/35lb.)

10 push press (95/65lb.)

10 lateral bar jump over (over and back = 1)

16:00 AMRAP


10 KB swings (35/20lb.)

10 push press (65/45lb.)

10 lateral bar jump over (over and back = 1)

16:00 AMRAP


10 KB swings (20/15lb.)

10 push press (35/20lb.)

10 lateral bar jump over (over and back = 1)

*scale to something athlete can jump over laterally

16:00 AMRAP

Cool Down (Checkmark)

3×12 bent row (double dumbbell)


Alternating bicep curl (dumbbell)

3x 10 (each arm)