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WOD – Fri, Jan 31


Today is a high capacity “grinder”. The goal is to scale to a rep or load that is sustainable to hit the prescribed or chosen rep range through all rounds. It should act as a day that is metabolically challenging and builds local muscle stamina and endurance.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

1:00 Row or Bike

1:00 lateral shuffle (25ft. out and back)

1:00 4 Step back lunge + 5 air squat + 5 push up

2 rounds


3 Burpee

4 Alternating hang snatch (light weight)

5 Wallball (light)

6 Sit Up

2 rounds


3 Vertical jump (high as possible)

3 Tuck jump (knees up into chest)

3 Broad jump (practice)

Skill/Strength (Distance)

In 10:00, find max broad jump!

Using a tape measure, have athletes stand beside the tape measure and make 3-4 attempts at the furthest jump possible. They must stick the landing and the closest body part to hit the ground near the jumping point is what gets the mark.

Conditioning (AMRAP – Reps)


EMOM x 20 minutes (4 rounds through)

  1. 12 Burpee Box Jump Over (24/20’)
  2. 20 Wallballs (20/14lb.) (10/9ft.)
  3. 20 Alternating Hang DB Snatch(50/35lb.)
  4. 20 GHD or 25 Abmat Sit Up
  5. Rest


EMOM x 20 minutes (4 rounds through)

  1. 10 Burpee Box Jump Over (24/20’)
  2. 16 Wallballs (14/10lb.) (10/9ft.)
  3. 16 Alternating Hang DB Snatch(35/20lb.)
  4. 12 Partial GHD or 15 Abmat Sit Up
  5. Rest


EMOM x 20 minutes (4 rounds through)

  1. 6 Burpee Box step up (20’)
  2. 12 Wallballs (10/6lb.) (9ft.)
  3. 12 Alternating Hang DB Snatch(20/15lb.)
  4. :20 GHD Parallel hold or 10 Abmat Sit Up
  5. Rest
Cool Down (2 Rounds for reps)

3x :30 max reps banded tricep extension


3x :30 max reps banded bent row (standing on band)

Rest as needed between supersets