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WOD – Wed, Jan 29


Today is a high capacity and high skill metcon. We switch it up and train the core through an old school movement of mountain climbers, and they can become a doozy fast. While it is 30 reps on paper, to some it will count as a total of 60 reps depending on how you choose to recognize a rep. The real limitation will be chest to bar pull ups. Depending on how you cycle them (butterfly or kipping), you’ll need to scale in order to make sure you have at least :30 to rest before the next round begins.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

3:00 shuttle run (easy pace)


25ft. High knees

25ft. Butt kickers

50ft. Lateral shuttle



:20 Dead hang

10 Kipping swing

:20 Plank

2 rounds

Inverted Skills (Checkmark)

Spend 15:00 practicing skills upside down!

  • Handstand holds
  • Wall walks
  • Handstand hold shoulder taps
  • Handstand walking
  • Pirouttes
  • etc.
Conditioning (Checkmark)


Every 3:00 x 5 sets

10 Shuttle run (out and back = 1)

20 Chest to bar pull up

30 Mountain Climber (knee to elbow without toe touching ground each arm=1)

Rest with time remaining.

*Athletes should have :30 minimum to recover. Consider scaling options if this is out of reach.


Every 3:00 x 5 sets

8 Shuttle run (out and back =1)

16 Banded Chest to bar pull up

24 Mountain Climber (knee to elbow with toe still touching ground each arm=1)

Rest with time remaining.


Every 3:00 x 5 sets

5 Shuttle run (out and back =1)

10 Leg supported chest bar pull up / Inverted row/ Ring Row

20 kneeling Mountain Climber

Rest with time remaining.

Cool Down (Weight)

3×12 Alternating dumbbell curls (these should be light and controlled to help relax tissues that have been taxed through the metcon today.)