1:00 shuttle run
1:00 Bike
1:00 no push up burpee
2 rounds
1:00 Couch stretch each leg
:30 banded lat stretch each arm
:30 barbell front rack rotations
With coach
6 Deadlifts
6 Hang Clean
6 Power Clean
Begin to build bars for hang power clean interval
Every 1:00 x 8 minutes (building)
3 hang power cleans
2:00 Rest
Every 1:00 x 7 (building)
3 touch and go power cleans
Rest 2:00
Every 2:00 x 6 (building)
3 touch and go deadlifts
3x :30 rocking plank/ :30 rest
“Hinge heavy day”. No conditioning insight formally, but the heart rate will go up and likely stay up for a while as we start the barbell work. It’s clearly intended for you to add weight to the barbell throughout the session but the goal is to get up to a challenging 3 for each of the 3 different lifts.