50 jumping jacks
6 step back lunges
6 lateral lunges
5 air squats
5 Kipping swings
3 rounds
3 Empty bar front squat
3 Push press
3 thruster
2-3 pull ups or ring rows
3 rounds
Every 2:00 x 4 sets
8 thrusters (from the floor)
20:00 AMRAP
5 pull up
10 push up
15 air squat
20:00 AMRAP
5 pull up (banded or jumping)
10 push up (kneeling)
15 air squat
20:00 AMRAP
5 Ring row or sit to stand pull up
7 wall push up
10 squat to box or self spotted squat
1:00 rest
1:00 kneeling hip flexor stretch each leg
:30 pec stretch each arm
:30 lat stretch each arm
Today’s intent is to lift some heavy barbells in the form of a thruster, off the floor. You can squat clean or power clean but the bottom line is to become stronger in the movement that we can always count on to be present in the CF Open. Then we put the weights away for an old school bench mark called “Cindy”–you and your body weight for 20:00. This workout is the epitome of being cardio without a piece of equipment or running in sight.