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WOD – Thu, Jan 2


Skills practice today to continue refining ring muscle up work. Remember that this time is here so you can PROGRESS from where you are. Don’t just go through drills mindlessly, consider “what can help me here?” or “what gets me closer to doing 1 rep, or going from 3 to 4 at once, etc.” In our methodology of fitness, practice is very important, just like in all aspects of life. Training to grow bigger muscles, more endurance in those muscles matters greatly, but “practice” is often what sets apart the fittest on earth from the rest of the world.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

30 Jumping jacks

30 Seal jacks

10 Spider-Man + twist

10 Scorpion


20-30 single unders

10 Air Squat

5 Ring Row

5 Push Up or bench dip

2 rounds


20 single under or double under

5 Medball front squat + press overhead

3 Ring Row + Ring Dip or Push Up

3 rounds

Skill (Checkmark)

10:00 skill development/ refinement of ring muscle ups

– low ring muscle up practice

– Jumping ring muscle up practice

– Ring row muscle up (harder transition than kneeling muscle up)

– High ring attempts (after skills on low rings)

– Multiple rep practice for those who have them!

Workout (AMRAP – Reps)


7:00 AMRAP

75 Wallball (20/14lb.) (10/9ft.)

150 Double Under

Max reps Ring muscle Ups

4:00 REST

7:00 AMRAP

15 Ring muscle Up

150 Double Under

Max reps Wallball (20/14lb.) (10/9ft.)


7:00 AMRAP

75 Wallball (14/10lb.) (10/9ft.)

200 Single Under

Max reps jumping or low ring muscle up (if lacking skill)

Max reps ring row + ring dip (3/3) (if lacking strength)

4:00 REST

7:00 AMRAP

30 Ring Row/30 ring dip or push up

200 Single under

Max reps Wallball (14/10.) (10/9ft.)


7:00 AMRAP

50 Wallball or WB thruster (10/6lb.) (8ft.)

100 Single under/50 plate hops

Max reps ring row/kneeling push up (3/3)

4:00 REST

7:00 AMRAP

30 ring row + 30 kneeling push up

100 single under/50 plate hops

Max reps Wallball or WB thruster (10/6lb.) (8ft.)

Cool Down (Checkmark)

3:00-5:00 bike or row to flush legs

Optional Flow (Checkmark)

*This can be done any day of the week, no coach needed. It is designed for members who are feeling sore and beat up but would like to come into the gym and can have available space to move.

5:00 Easy Run

20 Cossack Slide Link: Cossack slide

10 Inch worm

5:00 Easy Bike

30 Hollow Rock

30 Kneeling banded twist each side Kneeling Band Oblique Twist

5:00 easy Ski or Row

30 Banded face pull

30 Banded Row

2 rounds for quality