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WOD – Fri, Dec 27
NYE Throw Down – Saturday 8am-10a. BRING $5 CASH for entry fee.


Odd strength work. Not a community favorite but certainly a needed stimulus in our world today. Want to age in a healthy way? Want to increase shoulder stability so you can lift heavier weights? Want to improve your overhead squat and build more core strength? Then the solution to all of these is the Turkish Get Up. Do it with quality and find a challenging load! Don’t miss extending the hip all the way before sneaking your leg back into the lunge position. After we finish the odd strength, we condition and today we keep it thorough. We combine high breathing with a heavy deadlift that only increases in work expression each round! Scale to a weight that you know you can do for 5 unbroken reps if asked when fresh.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

1:00 Row

1:00 Bike

1:00 Shuttle Run (25ft.)

3 rounds for motion, it’s lotion.

*Don’t get carried away with intensity here but build as you go!


Select a light DB for the warm up then:

6 minute AMRAP (for flow/ quality)

3 Inch worm

6 lateral DB jump (over and back is 1)

5 Single arm strict press each side

5 Single arm upright row each side

5 Hang DB Snatch each side


Review Turkish get up with coach and go get strength!

Strength (4 Rounds for reps)

4×6 Turkish get up

(3 left then 3 right each set.)

**goal is to make all sets working sets and as heavy as possible.

Use DB, KB, barbell…..your choice. And whatever presents a unique challenge.

“No Returns” (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

RX Conditioning:

16 minute AMRAP

4 Deadlift (315/225lb.) +2 Deadlifts each round

12 Alternating DB Snatch (50/35lb.)

12 Box Jump (24/20)

Flow: 4,12,12,6,12,12,8,12,12,10,12,12…ect. Adding 2 deadlifts to th


16 minute AMRAP

2 Deadlift (225/155lb.)

12 Alternating DB Snatch (35/20lb.)

12 Box or plate jump to lower height


16 minute AMRAP

2 Deadlift (75/55lb.)

12 Alternating DB Hang Snatch (20/15lb.)

12 Box step up (20/14’)

Core Work Finisher (Checkmark)

3×25 GHD Sit Up

Rest as needed between sets.

If you are new to the apparatus then be sure to start at “parallel” for your range of movement. Feel free to reduce overall volume by only doing 2 sets or perhaps 3×15