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WOD – Mon, Dec 2


CrossFit at its finest here! High skill on the barbell so be sure to spend adequate time practicing the hang squat snatch before we start loading it up in the strength portion. The burpee pull up will be something that challenges not just your physical but your focus as well. Feet and hands must consistently make contact with the ground around the same spot so that it ensures you not having to be overally focused on how and where to jump for the pull up. The RX version should demand that you jump, hang then pull up, not be jumping into your pull up each rep today.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

1:00 Row

1:00 Shuttle run

3 rounds


10 Spiderman

10 Scorpian

2 rounds


3 PVC pass through

3 Muscle Snatch

3 Overhead Squat

3 Hang Squat snatch

2 rounds with PVC + 1 barbell (no pass through)


2 Push Up

2 Burpee

2 Strict pull up

2 Burpee pull up

2 rounds


Prep barbell for strength portion

Strength (Weight)

Every 2:00 x 6 sets

Execute 3 Hang Squat Snatch

*Start at 60% 1rm snatch and build as you can.

Workout (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


Hang Squat Snatch (95/65lb.)

Burpee Pull Up

3,6,9.12,15, ect…..

12:00 AMRAP


Hang Squat Snatch (65/45lb.)

Burpee + Jumping Pull Up (low rig so you can use legs)

3,6,9.12,15, ect…..

12:00 AMRAP


Hang Squat Snatch (15/PVC pipe)


Pull Up (leg supported pull up or ring row)

3,6,9.12,15, ect…..

12:00 AMRAP

Cool Down (AMRAP – Reps)

3x 1:00 max rep push up/1:00 rest