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WOD – Sun, Dec 15


Sunday Funday grind..

Warm Up: Coaches Choice

3:00 Bike or Row


1:00 Samson stretch each side

1:00 Pigeon stretch each side

:30 Supinated dead hang

5 each side Squat alternating knee touches

1 round


For Quality

10 each side Rotational Side Planks

15 V-ups

10 Plank Waist to Toe taps

15 each side Oblique crunches

2 Rounds

Holds & Carry (Weight)

4 Sets of E3MOM of:

7-10 second HEAVY overhead hold into

HEAVY KB-DB 50ft farmer carry.

MetCon (Time)

5 Rounds of:

9 Deadlift 135/115 105/75 85/55

6 Hang Power clean

3 Thrusters

200m run

Rest 1:1

Can sub with dual DB’s, KB’s

Can sub run with:

200m row 16/12 Cals Echo bike

Cool Down