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WOD – Sat, Dec 14


Today is a partner chipper style workout! The goal is to break up the prescribed reps however you choose in order to achieve the fastest time and best workout. Some teams may decide to split everything down the middle by small sets and others large sets. Seek challenge, fun and growth! It is ok for teams to use more than 1 weight for medballs if capacities aren’t equal.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

1:00 Jumping jack

1:00 4 Spiderman + 4 Hip down push up

1:00 Scorpion stretch (alternating)

1:00 5 Kip swing + 5 Scap push up

1:00 4 Lunge + 4 Push up


5 Medball deadlift

5 Medball Squat Clean

5 Medball Push press wallball

5 Pull up

2 rounds for practice and scaling adjustments.

Workout (Time)


50 Chest to bar pull up

100 Medball Squat Clean

100 Medball Push Press Wall Ball

300 Medball Russian Twist

100 Medball Push Press Wall Ball

100 Medball Squat Clean

50 Chest to bar pull up

For time.

20/14lb. Medball


50 Chest to bar pull up (Banded or jumping)

100 Medball Squat Clean

100 Medball Push Press Wall Ball

300 Medball Russian Twist

100 Medball Push Press Wall Ball

100 Medball Squat Clean

50 Chest to bar pull up (Banded or jumping)

For time.



30 Leg supported pull up

60 Medball Squat Clean

60 Medball Push Press Wall Ball

150 Medball Russian Twist

60 Medball Push Press Wall Ball

60 Medball Squat Clean

30 Leg supported pull up

For time.


Cool Down (4 Rounds for reps)

:20 max reps banded bicep curl

X 4 sets (Rest 1-2 minutes between sets)

*Alternate supinated and pronated grip each set.