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WOD – Fri, Dec 13


Today’s timed work intervals are a very different approach. How you set up to do this will be important. The goal would be to see a timer or clock so that you can stay on task and advance on time to what is next. The goal is to really push both breathing rate and local muscle endurance at each station. Starting with the erg is intentionally there to challenge everything else that you are doing to follow. The more simple approach is to simply max out each station for max reps. You’ll get a chance to recover, all though it will seem as though that time is minimized each round!

Warm Up (Checkmark)

3:00 bike or row (building speed as each minute passes)


3 inch worm

6 Scorpion stretch

8 Cat cow (kneeling)

10 kneeling fire hydrate leg raise (each)

2 rounds


5 Hollow rock

5 Kip swing

5 kipping knees to chest

5 KB Deadlift

5 Single arm Russian KB Swing each arm

5 American KB Swing (double arm swing)

2 rounds

Workout (AMRAP – Reps)


2:00 max cal Bike or Row

1:00 max toes to bar

:30 max American KB Swing (70/53lb.)

1:30 Rest

6 rounds for max reps (30:00 of conditioning)


2:00 max cal Bike or Row

1:00 max hanging leg raise

:30 max American KB Swing (53/35lb.)

1:30 Rest

6 rounds for max reps (30:00 of conditioning)


2:00 max cal Bike or Row

1:00 max KB leg raise

:30 max American KB Swing (15/10lb.)

1:30 Rest

6 rounds for max reps (30:00 of conditioning)

Cool Down (Checkmark)

Accumulate 2:00 in table stretch (Table Stretch)