Today we challenge our upper body and midline local muscle endurance. It is a form of strength training but not in the form of low reps yet in the form of high reps and volume. The load you select for pressing should allow for a minimum of 10-15 reps on round 1. Pull ups today are also unique. Your job is to do as many strict as you can, and they even carry more significant weight in scoring; they are each worth 3 reps where the kipping pull ups are only worth 1. Each round begins with strict pull ups until failure and then go to kipping to finish and get as many reps as you can in the time given. The V up will be a movement you should be able to keep relative pace throughout and accumulate as much work as you can each round.
1:00 jump rope any style
1:00 AMRAP 5 no push up burpee + 10 light KB deadlift
1:00 AMRAP 5 air squat + 10 plank shoulder tap
3 rounds
5 strict press (added load each round to workout weight)
5 kip swing/scap pull up/pull up (new movement each round)
4 V up
3 rounds
:30 Strict press (95/65lb.)
:30 Rest
:30 Pull Up
:30 Rest
:30 V Up
:30 Rest
5 rounds for max reps
*Strict pull ups are worth 3 reps in today’s WOD. Each round for pull ups should begin with as many strict as possible for your chosen scale and then resolve to kipping pull ups for the remainder. Kipping are worth 1 rep each.
:30 Strict press (75/55lb.)
:30 Rest
:30 Pull Up (Banded)
:30 Rest
:30 V Up
:30 Rest
5 rounds for max reps
:30 DB Strict press (15/10lb.)
:30 Rest
:30 Pull Up (leg supported/ jumping pull up)
:30 Rest
:30 Alternating V Up
:30 Rest
5 rounds for max reps
3x 12 DB external rotation (each arm)
3x 12 each arm DB Cross body hammer curl
5:00 Easy Row
20 Scorpion
20 Spiderman
20 Cossack Slide Link: Cossack slide
2:00 Easy Bike arms only
1:00 Pronated hang from bar
40 Plank Shoulder tap
20 Kettlebell Windmill ; 10 each side (light) Link: Kettlebell Windmill – YouTube
10 Turkish Half Sit up Half Turkish Sit Up
2:00 easy Bike both arms and legs
2 rounds for quality