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WOD – Sat, Nov 30


Today is a 1:1 work to rest, you go then I go partner style workout. It has Cindy style similarities with time domain and movement pairings. The goal is to scale the load and difficulty of body weight movements so you can go though 1 full round unbroken each time, quickly getting your partner back to work.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

500m Row or 30/25 Cal Bike


5 Air Squat

4 Alternating Lunge (2 each side)

5 Scap push up

5 Scap pull up

5 KB Deadlift (light, between legs)

3 rounds


3 Medball front Squat

3 Wallball

3 Push up

3 KB Deadlift (workout weight)

3 KB Swing

3 rounds

Workout (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


10 Push Up

10 KB Swing (53/35lb.)

10 Wallball (20/14lb.) (10/9ft.)

20:00 AMRAP


10 Kneeling Push Up

10 KB Swing (35/20lb.)

10 Wallball (14/10lb.) (10/9ft.)

20:00 AMRAP


10 Wall Push Up

10 KB Swing (20/15lb.)

10 Wallball (6/4lb.) (custom height)

20:00 AMRAP

You go, I go round for round for max reps.

Cool Down (Checkmark)

3×12 Lateral side bend each side (DB or KB)