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WOD – Fri, Nov 29
Thanksgiving Hours: 7a and 9a Only. Friday there will NOT be a 530am class.


Today we get after a chipper with some unique pacing and limitation considerations. The goal is to of course go as fast as possible, understanding that most of the limitation will begin to surface in local muscle stamina, not just heavy breathing. This is a great way to develop greater muscle endurance and also trouble shoot your ability to push your threshold without having to rest very long. Best strategy to deploy here is to choose rest before rest chooses you.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

1:00 shuttle run

1:00 Row

1:00 Bike

2 rounds at easy pace


10 Alternating Spider-Man (5 each)

10 Alternating Scorpion (5 each)

5 Hip down push up

5 Inch worm

2 rounds


6 Box step up

6 Box jump step down

5 SA DB Snatch

5 SA DB Snatch

5 Burpee

2 rounds


4 Alternating SA devil press

4 Box jump over

1 Wall Walk

3 rounds

Workout (Time)


42 Single arm devil press (50/35lb.)

42 Box Jump Over (30/24’)

12 Wall Walk

For time.


42 Single arm devil press (35/20lb.)

42 Box Jump Over (24/20’)

9 Wall Walk

For time.


42 Single arm devil press (10/5lb.)

42 Plate Jump Over (custom height)

6 Partial range Wall Walk

For time.

Cool Down (Checkmark)

3×10-15 Strict Ring Row


3×10 DB or KB Curtsy lunge (10 each side)

Rest as needed between supersets.