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WOD – Thu, Nov 28
Thanksgiving Hours: 7a and 9a Only. Friday there will NOT be a 530am class.


Today the goal is to have fun and make room for the feast that awaits!

High volume rep accumulation similar to a fight gone bad style workout. The goal is to accumulate as much work as you can each minute given. Scale loads to something that is “light” so the intended stimulus can be met.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

50 jumping jack

50 seal jack


10 ground to overhead (touch toes stand tall reach overhead)

10 step back lunge

5 scap pull up

10 kipping swing

2 rounds


10 KB sumo deadlift high pull

10 V up

5/4 cal row

5 single arm press each arm

3 rounds

Workout (AMRAP – Reps)


Turkey Burner

1:00 SDHP (75/55lb.)

1:00 V Up complex (1 Right arm + left leg, 1 Left arm + Right leg, 1 both)

1:00 Row

1:00 Strict Press (75/55lb.)

1:00 REST

5 rounds for max reps


1:00 SDHP (55/40lb.)

1:00 V Up complex (1 Right arm + left leg, 1 Left arm + Right leg, 1 both)

1:00 Row

1:00 Strict Press (55/40lb.)

1:00 REST

5 rounds for max reps


1:00 SDHP (15/10lb KB or DB)

1:00 V Up complex (1 Right arm + left leg, 1 Left arm + Right leg, 1 both)

1:00 Row

1:00 Strict Press (15/10lb. KB or DB)

1:00 REST

5 rounds for max reps

Cool Down (Checkmark)

1:00 couch stretch each leg

1:00 pigeon each leg

:30 pec stretch each arm

Optional Flow (Checkmark)

2:00 Bike or Bike

2:00 10 Plank shoulder tap + 10 Banded pass through + 10 mountain climbers

2:00 Row or Bike

2:00 10 weighted side bends each side + 10 Alternating loaded or unloaded curtsy lunge

2:00 Bike or Row

2:00 10 GHD Hip extension or banded good morning + 10 DB cuban press

2-3 rounds (24-36 minutes)