Heavy day! Get primed, go heavy, feel the challenge of the loads you select and understand that each prescribed set should be a “working set”. That means no sets listed there should be easy. The intensity will be found by choosing to challenge your squat quality and what you can handle.
3:00 bike or row
:30 couch stretch each leg
:30 pigeon stretch each leg
10 adductor rock back (each leg)
1 round
6 curtsy lunge (3 each side)
3 5 count air squat down (stand normal pace)
5 goblet squat (light load)
3 squat jump
2 rounds
All Groups:
Back Squat
*Athletes should execute 1 working set every 3-4 minutes.
5:00 AMRAP
10 Air Squat
20 Russian Twist (25/15lb.)