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WOD – Mon, Nov 25


CrossFit at its finest. This is a down and up again repeated barbell + gymnastics ladder. This is a spin on DT with gymnastics involved. The loading should seem challenging yet be able to be done unbroken for any 1 of the 3 movements used in the metcon. This doesn’t mean you should do a complex unbroken, but if 12 deadlifts seem heavy for this weight or 9 hang cleans couldn’t be done unbroken if asked, it’s too heavy. The goal is to burn down each interval as fast as you possibly can, knowing that you will get that equal amount of time for rest between each round.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

1:00 row

1:00 3 inch worm + 5 kip swing + 5 push up

1:00 10 deadlift + 10 strict press (with empty barbell)

2 rounds


4 toes to bar

4 pull up

2 bar muscle up (or scale for it)

3 rounds for practice and skills


3 deadlift

3 hang clean

3 shoulder to overhead

4 sets building to workout weight

Workout (Time)


12 Deadlift

9 Hang Clean

6 Shoulder to overhead

6 Bar muscle up

9 Toes to bar

12 Chest to bar pull up

1:1 work to rest

4 rounds for time.



12 Deadlift

9 Hang Clean

6 Shoulder to overhead

6 Banded bar muscle up

9 Toes to bar

12 Pull up or banded pull up

1:1 work to rest

4 rounds for time.



12 Deadlift

9 Hang Clean

6 Shoulder to overhead

6 Pull Up

6 Push up

9 V Up

1:1 work to rest

4 rounds for time.


Cool Down (Checkmark)

Banded behind the back shoulder stretch

1:00 each

1:00 Banded lat stretch each arm