Today is a partner style workout that has a bit of “Cindy” flavor with different movements and flow. Partners will only work 1 at a time through a full round. Each team should scale for each person so the rounds are achievable in under 1:00 each person. Movements should be assumed to be unbroken to start and at maximum 1 break on pull ups for some and perhaps push ups for some, any more will slow the intensity which is the good stuff!
5 Rounds of Rowling (row to 100m as close as possible to stopping the rower right on 100. Each meter you are away from 100m you must do 1 burpee, rotate through available rowers)
10 KB Deadlift (1KB between legs)
7 KB Russian swing
5 American Swing
5 Push up
3 kipping swing
2 pull up (banded or jumping)
3 rounds
20:00 AMRAP
10 American KB Swing (53/35lb.)
5 Chest to bar pull up
10 Push Up
1 person works at a time, rotating each round!
20:00 AMRAP
10 American KB Swing (35/20lb.)
5 Banded Pull Up
10 Push Up (kneeling/ banded)
1 person works at a time, rotating each round!
20:00 AMRAP
10 American KB Swing (20/15lb.)
5 Jumping pull up (or leg supported on box)
7 Wall push up
1 person works at a time, rotating each round!
1:00 plank each side
- Forward
- Side Right
- Side Left