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WOD – Fri, Nov 22


Go for the meters! Today we have a unique workout that puts you in a pickle right from the beginning. On the 1:00 row you’ll have a chance to shave seconds off your overall time based on how many meters you can accomplish in that 1:00! So do you sell your soul and get a significant time off the WOD or do you conserve a bit and find the ability to finish faster due to energy reserve for what is to come? Within all these considerations we find “Karen” looming in 150 wallballs for time, but each time you drop the ball you have to take a trip. The trip is 5x 50ft. shuttle runs, so yes it pays to go big on your sets!

Warm Up (Checkmark)

:30 Row

:30 rest

6 sets building speed and intensity each round, focus on great form!


10 Walking quad stretch (pull heel to butt with hand if possible)

10 Walking alternating straight leg toe touch

10 Walking lunge + overhead reach

10 Air squat

3 rounds


Set up for workout, practice wallballs and figure heats and starting times.

Workout (Time)


1:00 max meter row


150 Wallballs for time. (20/14lb.) (10/9ft.)

*Each time you drop the ball or pause/stop throwing it, you must run 5 x 50ft. Shuttle run (25ft.x 2)

*Score will be total time to achieve 150 wallballs – meters accomplished in max meter row! I.e. Time for WOD 8:43= 60×8= 480…..480+43=523 seconds.

Meters rowed in 1:00= 310, my score is 523-310= 213…..lowest score is best score today!

Intermediate: 14/10lb. Ball

Baseline: 100 wallballs at 6/4lb. Ball (3 shuttle runs for dropping)

Cool Down (Checkmark)

3:00 easy bike or row


3:00 foam rolling stiff/tired legs