Skills and accuracy are put to the test today. But first, we should spend adequate time attempting to refine the skills of the bar muscle up and the double under! For those who can do bar muscle ups, this will be a fun day to test efficiency speed of them coupled with the accuracy of double unders. If you don’t have either of these skills, today is a great motivator. Remember these skills, even if never achieved, will develop exponential fitness by practicing and simply getting closer to achieve them.
3:00 jump rope anyway
10 large arm circles forward + backward
:20 dead hang
:20 handstand hold or pike HS hold
10 single leg deficit calf raise each leg (foot on plate)
2 rounds
5 kip swing
10 Double or single under
3 rounds
5:00 skills and drills for double unders
- Hip tap double unders (no rope, jump and tap thighs twice similar to spinning the rope pace, this provides rhythm development)
- Ghost double under (no rope again, now spinning hands like rope is in the hand, hands further away from legs to simulate holding rope)
- Slow single unders (rope in hand, jump higher than normal singles and keep the reps going but at a slower clip than usual)
- Singles + a double (rope in hand, execute some slow singles and every few reps try to spin the rope twice! If possible get back to single unders without stopping the rope.)
- Double practice and skills
10:00 Bar Muscle Up Skills
Cycle through below drills, do 2-3 sets at each prior to advancing.
- 3 kip swings into 1 kip (straight arm pull further back and should raise center of mass)
- 2 kip swings 1 kip + hip extension (this is like a hip to bar pull)
- Jumping bar muscle up (practicing the “feel” of transition over the bar and supporting body over rig)
- Bar muscle ups attempts or banded bar muscle up practice
1 Bar muscle up
10 Double Under
2 Bar muscle up
20 Double Under
3 Bar muscle up
30 Double Under
4 Bar muscle up
40 Double Under
5 Bar muscle up
50 Double Under
4 Bar muscle up
40 Double Under
3 Bar muscle up
30 Double Under
2 Bar muscle up
20 Double Under
1 Bar muscle up
10 Double Under
For time.
Intermediate: Banded or jumping bar muscle ups + Single unders
Baseline: 1 Push up + 1 Ring Row/ supported pull up = 1 BMU + Single under or jump to plate.
3×12 Single arm upright row (slower down than up tempo)
3x 10 Single arm Db press (slower down than up)
6/10 RPE (these are recovery based movements for upper body)