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WOD – Thu, Nov 14


Different movements, same working/resting windows. The bench press should be seen as a load that will develop more strength. It can present a challenge but should be unbroken, adjustments may need to happen as rounds go in and fatigue builds. KB swings should also be unbroken, presenting a hybrid challenge. For some it may be the load but this is where the conditioning of athletes will begin to be tested. In the remaining time, produce as much work as possible on the erg!

Warm Up (Checkmark)

1:00 row or bike

1:00 rest

X 4 sets build intensity each working minute


10 banded or PVC pass through

:10 shipmates hang from rig

10 light KB deadlift

10 Russian KB swing

5 push up

3 rounds

Skill/Strength (Weight)

In 10:00 build to a challenging set of 3 bench press. Athletes should surpass their load of choice for the WOD.

Workout (Calories)


2:00 AMRAP

6 bench press (225/155lb.)

12 American KB swings (70/53lb.)

Max cal bike or row

2:00 Rest

5 rounds

*Score is total number of bike/row calories


2:00 AMRAP

6 bench press (165/115lb.)

12 AKB swings (53/35lb.)

Max cal bike or row

2:00 Rest

5 rounds


2:00 AMRAP

6 bench press (35/15lb.)

12 AKB swings (20/15lb.)

Max cal bike or row

2:00 Rest

5 rounds

Cool Down (3 Rounds for reps)

Ring row

3x max reps (-2)

Keep these strict and challenge your strict horizontal pulling strength. Leave 2 reps in the tank each set.

Rest as needed.

Optional Flow (Checkmark)

This can be done any day of the week, no coach needed. It is designed for members are feeling sore and beat up but would like to come into the gym and can have available space to move.)

5:00 Easy bike

10 Inchworm

20 Spiderman

20 Cossack Slide

5:00 Easy Ski

1:00 Supinate hang from bar

30 Controlled abmat sit up

20 Kettlebell Windmill ; 10 each side (light)

10 Turkish get ups (5 each) (light)

2 rounds for quality