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WOD – Mon, Nov 11


Hero! Happy Veterans Day! CrossFit has chosen today to celebrate and recognize Chad and more importantly mental health and support. Our servicemen and women are often overlooked and under equipped for the psychological and emotional toll their careers provide. Today isn’t just about them but also anyone who is battling internally and may not know where to turn for help. Today we consider others as we should daily and we bring light through a physical test like Chad!

Warm Up (Checkmark)

20 jumping jack

20 seal jack

2 rounds


10 walking lunge

10 lateral lunge

2 rounds


10 step up + high knee lift on top of box


Set up and start Chad!

Workout (Time)



1000 step ups (20’)

For time.

45lb ruck/ 30lb. Ruck

Individual or team


750 step ups



500 step ups (adjusted height, stack plates)

Cool Down (Checkmark)

3:00 bike


1:00 pigeon each side


1:00 couch stretch each side