Bike, Throw, Carry! Today is a grinder style workout that will be a bit longer in the time domain. You must bike at a solid pace but not one that involves too much risk of blowing up, otherwise it simply forces more breaks in wall balls and even the farmer carry.
1:00 Bike
1:00 Row
1:00 Jump rope (any variation)
3 rounds
8 Spiderman
8 Scorpion
4 Inch worm
2 rounds
20 Seated med ball Russian twist
5 Med ball front squat
5 Wall ball
5 Suitcase deadlift (KB or DB)
5 Suitcase deadlift (KB or DB)
3 rounds
*use light KB or DB / MB*
24/20 Cal Bike
42 Wall Ball (20/14lb.) (10/9ft.)
200m Farmer carry (53/35lb.KB or 50/35DB)
4 rounds for time.
20/16 Cal Bike
42 Wall Ball (14/10lb.) (10/9ft.)
200m Farmer carry (35/20 DB or KB)
4 rounds for time.
12/8 Cal Bike
21 Wall Ball (10/6lb.) (custom height)
100m Farmer carry (10/5lb)
4 rounds for time.
Parallette shoot throughs
3×5-10 (The Shoot-Through)