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WOD – Mon, Oct 21


This week begins with a full body, unloaded chipper. We will all grind for 25:00 and in a variety of movement patterns. It will be a lot of back and forth on the gym floor today as we run, lunge, and crawl. The goal with the static hold is to find ways to sustain your hanging position while dropping as little as possible. Can you hang, find a position to relax into that allows the heart rate to become more steady in preparation for the rounds to come?

Warm Up (Checkmark)

400m Run


5 Banded pass through

5 Banded pass through in bottom squat position

5 Banded pass through lying face down

2 rounds


10 Stationary step back lunge + overhead reach

5 Air Squat

10 Scap push up

10 Plank shoulder taps (each side)

10 Scap pull up

2 rounds

Skill/Strength (Checkmark)

Bear crawl skills and drills:

Spend 5 minutes practicing and going over the bear crawl position with a level torso to hip position. This means the body should look even as you crawl, not the hips high into the sky. Even with accumulation of fatigue this is the expectation. Practice and refine the skill of forward and backward walking.

Workout (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


5 Shuttle runs (25ft. out and back =1)

100ft. Walking lunge

50ft. Forward bear crawl

50ft. Backward bear crawl

1:00 Dead Hang (any position)

25:00 AMRAP


5 shuttle Runs (25ft. Out and back =1)

50ft. Walking lunge

50ft. Forward bear crawl

50ft. Backward bear crawl

:40 Dead Hang (any position)

25:00 AMRAP


4 shuttle Runs (25ft. Out and back =1)

25ft. Walking lunge

25ft. Forward bear crawl

25ft. Backward bear crawl

:20 Dead Hang (any position) or :30 Ring Row hold position (horizontal)

1:00 rest at the end of each round

25:00 AMRAP

Cool Down (Checkmark)

3×12 Alternating DB Hammer curl (hold each rep for 1 second at the top)


3x 5 Banded pass through (shoulder/chest stretch to finish the day)

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