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WOD – Thu, Oct 17


Strength work on the upper body pulling is a staple to keep our bodies balanced from all the pressing and overhead work we tend to pursue. It also ensures we continue to create a more broad and stable platform to actually press from! Did you know in order to have a stable shoulder girdle for throwing, punching, pressing, and even collision you should first pursue the development of the back musculature! We are doing just that today prior to the conditioning. Today’s conditioning should feel highly cyclical and fast. You should consider scaling reps on the pull up before reducing your body weight in load with a band or your legs, if possible. For the clean and jerks, athletes should see the weight as something they can do for touch and go most of, if not the entire workout (and same with the medball choice).

Warm Up (Checkmark)

30 Jumping jacks

30 Seal jacks

10 Ground to overhead with no weight

2 rounds


10 Walking lunge with overhead reach

5 Kipping swings on rig

7 Air Squat

2 rounds


2-3 Strict pull up

10 Ground to overhead (light plate)

5 Goblet squat (plate or KB)

3 rounds

Skill/Strength (Weight)

Weighted Pull Up


Every 3:00 execute 1 set of weighted pull ups and :20 L sit of your choice.

Workout (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


13 Pull Up

14 Alternating DB Clean and Jerk (50/35lb.)

15 Wall ball (20/14lb.) (10/9ft.)

13:00 AMRAP


13 Pull Up (Banded)

14 Alternating DB Clean and Jerk (35/20lb.)

15 Wall ball (14/10lb.) (10/9ft.)

13:00 AMRAP


9 Pull Up Jumping

10 Alternating DB Clean and Jerk (10/5lb.)

11 Wall ball (6/4lb.) (Personal height)

13:00 AMRAP

Cool Down (Checkmark)

1:00 each side kneeling lat stretch (Kneeling Lat Stretch)


:30 PVC Behind back shoulder opener (

Optional Flow (Checkmark)

5:00 Easy Row

20 Scorpion

20 Spiderman

20 Cossack Slide Link: Cossack slide

2:00 Easy Bike arms only

1:00 Pronated hang from bar

40 Plank Shoulder tap

20 Kettlebell Windmill ; 10 each side (light) Link: Kettlebell Windmill – YouTube

10 Turkish Half Sit up Half Turkish Sit Up

2:00 easy Bike both arms and legs

2 rounds for quality

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