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WOD – Thu, Oct 10


Today we have a multi round chipper style workout. Loads aren’t heavy, work isn’t overly complex but your general conditioning/stamina will be put to the test. How will you attack this layout? Go big on reps early? Take small intentional breaks and keep them as short as you can? It will look different for each of us, I’d encourage you to branch out from what you are used to, as this is where we find growth. For strength work, there are no weights in sight, simply your body hanging with your chin over the bar! Scale this so you can at least hang there for :10-:15 minimum but using a band under legs or even a spot from a friend on your upper back as you hold. You can also scale to supporting your body with as little of your own leg strength as possible.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

20 Seal jack

10 Box step up

10 Crossover step back lunge

10 Banded pass through

:10 supinated dead hang

3 rounds

Strength (4 Rounds for reps)

4 sets

Max chin over bar hold

2-3 minutes rest between efforts

*Score each interval. Hand position can be put anyway, pronated, mixed grip, supinated.

Workout (Time)


30 American KB Swing (AKBS) (70/53lb.)

30 Pull Up

30 GHD Sit Up

3 rounds for time.


30 AKBS (53/35lb.)

30 Pull Up (Banded or with less volume)

30 GHD Sit Up (to parallel) or 45 abmat sit up

3 rounds for time.


20 AKBS (20/15lb.)

20 Leg supported or jumping pull up

20 Band aided sit up (pulling self up)

3 rounds for time.

Cool Down (Checkmark)

3×12 each side Landmine standing Russian twist

Optional Flow (Checkmark)

*This can be done any day of the week, no coach needed. It is designed for members who are feeling sore and beat up but would like to come into the gym and can have available space to move.

3:00 Easy Bike

10 Fire hydrant; each leg (

10 Quadruped kick back ;each leg (Quadruped Kickbacks)

5 Quadruped Hip CARS (Quadruped Hip CARs)

3:00 Easy Ski or Row

:30 Half kneeling thoracic rotation (wall) Half Kneeling Thoracic Rotation (Open / Wall))

:30 Half kneeling thoracic rotation (opposite side)

1:00 bottom squat hold

3:00 easy Row or Ski

50ft Bear crawl forward

50ft. Bear crawl backward

50ft. Lateral lunge

2 rounds

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