Opening the week with high capacity and high skills. Today we have no focused strength work, which will help our intensity in the primary of conditioning! We also provide one directed time and effort to improvement of interred skills today for exploration and development. In the workout the goal is to pick a challenging load for KB but one that can be done unbroken at least in round 1. Then the goal is to realize we want about 90 seconds of rest and recovery throughout each interval. Go hard and get the work done “for time”, your score to compare is the SLOWEST score for the day, so consistency wins. Push your limits.
3:00 row or bike
5 Hip down push up
5 Push up
5 Pike push up
2 rounds
5 light KB Deadlift
5 Russian KB swing
5 American KB swing
4 Box step up
4 Box jump
2 Wall walk
3 rounds for quality
10:00 inverted practice
- Handstand hold
- Handstand shoulder tap
- Handstand walk
Every 5:00 x 6 sets
24 American KB Swing (70/53lb.)
20 Box jump over (24/20’)
6 Wall Walk
For time.
*Score all 6 efforts. Your competitive score is your SLOWEST time!
**Athletes should scale the work to be able to rest 1:30 minimum in each interval**
Every 5:00 x 6 sets
24 American KB Swing (53/35lb.)
20 Box jump over (20/14’)
4 Wall Walk
For time.
*Score all 6 efforts. Your competitive score is your SLOWEST time!
**Athletes should scale the work to be able to rest 1:30 minimum in each interval**
Every 5:00 x 5 sets
18 American KB Swing (20/15lb.)
12 Box jump over (10/6’)
4 Wall Walk
For time.
*Score all 5 efforts. Your competitive score is your SLOWEST time!
**Athletes should scale the work to be able to rest 1:30 minimum in each interval**
1:00 seated hamstring stretch
1:00 pancake stretch
1:00 calf stretch each leg