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WOD – Sun, Sep 8


Opening with a strength piece to test balance in the single leg RDL and push our bench press. Right into a spicy amrap with the goal to stay unbroken and hang onto the DBs every round,

Warm Up

Coaches Choice

A. Strength (Weight)

4x Every 3 minutes

4×8 Single leg BB dead lift ( slow down)

4×5 BB Bench press

With a partner preferable for ease of setup

B. Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

16 minute AMRAP of:

4 DB Front squat 50/35 35/20 20/10

4 DB Hang clean

4 DB Push press

4 DB Turkish situp each side R/L

Alternate: 100m run and 5 Cals Bike

Cool Down

Coaches Choice.

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