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WOD – Sat, Sep 7


Partner workout! Today the work is designed to be split however the teams decide for the 16:00 AMRAP. Each movement must be completed in full prior to advancing to the next movement. Move well, lock out your push ups, and stand tall on the med ball cleans, shoulders back team!

Warm Up (Checkmark)

50 Jumping jack

50 Seal jack

20/15 Cal Row

20/15 Cal Bik


3 Inch worm

6 Step back lunge

4 Hand release push up (kneeling or standard)

8 KB goblet squats

3 rounds


3 Med ball deadlift

3 Med ball front squat

3 Med ball squat clean

3 rounds for quality

Skill (Checkmark)

10:00 of jump rope skills

  • Single under
  • Single leg single under
  • Crossover single unders
  • Double unders
  • Single leg double unders
  • Crossover double unders
Workout (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


100 Double Under

22 KB Thrusters Grn/Blu

50 Push Up

60 Med ball Squat Clean (20/14lb.)

16:00 AMRAP


150 Single Under or 100 lateral bar jump overs

22 KB Thrusters Blu/Yel

50 Push Up (kneeling or 30 total reps)

60 Med ball Squat Clean (14/10lb.)

16:00 AMRAP

100 Single Under or 50 Jump to plate

22 KB Thrusters Yel/Org

40 Push Up (kneeling)

40 Med ball Squat Clean (10/6lb.)

16:00 AMRAP

Cool Down (AMRAP – Reps)

2x 1:00 on/1:00 Off max reps

Med Ball Russian Twist

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