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WOD – Fri, Sep 6


No barbell in sight today! The goal is to challenge our grip strength and stamina with the “Last athlete hanging” + capacity work. Dead hang, specifically supinated, can provide a more stable shoulder girdle and stamina in musculature that often only work through active contractions! It will help your fitness! Conditioning today will take quality focus on running and midline fatigue. The challenge will come after the isometric contraction of the evil wheel and transitioning into the active/fast movement of the abmat sit up. These movements interfere with each other and offer a very potent punch coupled this way. Be wise in scaling, new athletes with lower capacity should scale back volume of evil wheels generously.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

400m easy run


50ft. High knee walk

50ft. Alternating quad stretch (pull heel to butt with hand)

50ft. High knee run

50ft. Butt kicker run

50ft. Single leg bunny hop

50ft. Single leg bunny hop (opposite leg)

10 Standing front to back leg swings each leg

10 Standing lateral leg swings each leg

1 round


:10 Hollow hold

:10 Superman hold

5 Abmat sit up

2 rounds


3×3-6 evil wheel (demo + find scale)

Strength/Skill (3 Rounds for reps)

“Last Athlete Hanging”

1x max length hang in supinated hand position (palms toward body)


2x max hang for capacity

Rest 2:00 between all efforts.

Workout (Time)


1200m Run

21 Evil Wheel

42 Abmat Sit up

800m Run

15 Evil Wheel

30 Abmat Sit up

400m Run

9 Evil Wheel

18 Abmat Sit up

For time.

Goal: Working window: 17-24 minutes

*Sub for run:

Row 1500/ 1000/500


1200m Run

15 Evil Wheel

42 Abmat Sit up

800m Run

12 Evil Wheel

30 Abmat Sit up

400m Run

9 Evil Wheel

18 Abmat Sit up

For time.

600m Run

9 Evil Wheel

21 Abmat Sit up

400m Run

6 Evil Wheel

15 Abmat Sit up

200m Run

3 Evil Wheel

9 Abmat Sit up

For time.

Cool Down (3 Rounds for reps)

Dumbbell bent row

3×12-15 reps each arm

Rest as needed


1:00 couch stretch each leg

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