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WOD – Thu, Sep 5


Today is a big loading day and specifically for all things hinging. We will focus on building our barbell cycling abilities while holding onto a heavy load on hang snatch pulls. This is all about positioning and timing. Be sure to focus more on quality than even hitting these prescribed percentages. The upper body control of the load through the second pull of the snatch is often where we struggle to maintain control, and we are training to refine that aspect here! Conditioning is simple, straight forward and quite scary (coach smiles). Push the row pace with quality movement and hang onto the DB as long as you can, the rest is designed to force reckless abandon and encourage a fearless approach today.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

3:00 Row or Bike


1:00 Seated forward fold

1:00 Standing forward fold

1:00 Couch stretch each leg


3 Snatch grip deadlifts

3 Snatch pull

3 Muscle snatch

3 Pass through

3 Hang squat snatch

3 rounds

1 set with PVC + 2 sets empty barbell

Strength/Skill (5 Rounds for reps)

Every 2:00 x 5 sets (10:00 minutes)

Above the knee hang snatch pull

5×5 at 90-100% 1rm.

*Positions matter here. Focus on passing through the power position each rep as you drive through the legs and shrug. While this puts an emphasis on Oly strength, it is certainly a movement that builds hypertrophy in the upper and mid back which is the base of power transfer and stability on all barbell lifts.

Metcon (Time)


30/24 Cal Row

30 Alternating DB Snatch (50/35lb.)

3:00 Rest

3 rounds

Work intervals aren’t designed to exceed 2:30. Athletes should receive more rest than work when comparing the 3:00 of rest to working time each round. This demands the urgency in work effort and intensity, go get it!


24/20 Cal Row

30 Alternating DB Snatch (35/20lb.)

3:00 Rest

3 rounds

Work intervals aren’t designed to exceed 2:30. Athletes should receive more rest than work when comparing the 3:00 of rest to working time each round. This demands the urgency in work effort and intensity, go get it!

20/15 Cal Row

20 Alternating DB Snatch (15/10lb.)

3:00 Rest

3 rounds

Work intervals aren’t designed to exceed 2:30. Athletes should receive more rest than work when comparing the 3:00 of rest to working time each round. This demands the urgency in work effort and intensity, go get it!

Cool Down (Checkmark)

3×15 Banded face pull

Rest as needed between sets

Optional Flow (Checkmark)

*This can be done any day of the week, no coach needed. It is designed for members who are feeling sore and beat up but would like to come into the gym and can have available space to move.

5:00 Easy Row

20 Scorpion

20 Spiderman

20 Cossack Slide Link: Cossack slide

2:00 Easy Bike arms only

1:00 Pronated hang from bar

40 Plank Shoulder tap

20 Kettlebell Windmill ; 10 each side (light) Link: Kettlebell Windmill – YouTube

10 Turkish Half Sit up Half Turkish Sit Up

2:00 easy Bike both arms and legs

2 rounds for quality

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