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WOD – Wed, Sep 4


Low volume, high intensity strength work is how we kick off today! Be primed and ready for the 2 working sets of back squats and the goal percentages will feel better for you. Conditioning is a 4 rounder repeat interval cycle. The goal is to really treat each 5:00 as if the next doesn’t exist. Go for broke, trust your fitness/recovery and we will build more fitness. Can you hang onto the DB’s unbroken through lunges? To challenge you even more, can you go through 30 walking lunges in the front rack then stand on the final lunge and go right into the push press? It’ll take more leg drive than you may assume to get overhead after the pull ups and front rack hold!

Warm Up (Checkmark)

:30 Bike

:30 Rest

X 6 sets (building intensity each effort)


6 Lateral lunge

3 Wide air squat

3 Normal stand squat

3 Narrow squat

2 rounds


5 Kipping swing

5 Strict press (light DB’s or KB’s)

5 Air squat

3 pull up

3 push press (same load)

3 Squat jump

2 rounds

Strength (2 Rounds for reps)

2x 2 Back Squat (90-95%1rm)

3:00 Rest between sets

*While the working volume is low, it will take several sets to be prepared for the heavy doubles. Move well, squat deep, get strong.

Workout (4 Rounds for reps)


Every 5:00 x 4 sets

20 Pull Up

30 Front Rack Alternating Walking Lunge (50/35lb. DB’s)

15 Push Press

For time.

*Score each interval

Rest the remainder of the 5:00 interval.

Working goal: 3:30 or less to accomplish the work, with a minimum of 1:30 to rest. Go big, take chances, trust your ability to recover, earn your rest!


Every 5:00 x 4 sets

20 Pull Up (Banded or reduction of reps)

30 Front Rack Alternating Walking Lunge (35/20lb. DB’s)

15 Push Press

For time.

*Score each interval

Rest the remainder of the 5:00 interval.

Working goal: 3:30 or less to accomplish the work, with a minimum of 1:30 to rest. Go big, take chances, trust your ability to recover, earn your rest!

Every 5:00 x 4 sets

15 Jumping Pull Up

20 Alternating Walking Lunge (body weight)

15 Push Press (15/10lb. DB’s)

For time.

*Score each interval

Rest the remainder of the 5:00 interval.

Working goal: 3:30 or less to accomplish the work, with a minimum of 1:30 to rest. Go big, take chances, trust your ability to recover, earn your rest!

Cool Down (3 Rounds for reps)

Standing DB or KB single arm upright row

3×12 (slower down than up tempo)

Rest as needed

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