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WOD – Tue, Sep 3


Today we hinge heavy! The goal is to set aside our conditioning ambitions and chase heavy loads head long without the distraction of saving energy for other endeavors. Push your limits as you build for each 10:00 segment. Consider for each lift prior to starting what might be a goal for the day and attack! Each movement has the intent of becoming heavier as we advance through the 3 that are programmed today. For some, you may have a heavier hang clean than power clean, but considering we have a chance to build more power and speed pulling all the way from the ground you can see why the power clean should be the stronger of the 2. If you find yourself in this camp, then perhaps more time on the intricacies of the first pull on the clean will exponentially help your development and fitness. The power clean and deadlift do not have to be touch and go today. The rest between reps should be no more than 5 seconds or so.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

100m Row/1 minute rest x 5

Build intensity on these so the last 3 are all out sprints! Great primer for heavy pulling.


3 Inch worm

4 Scorpion

6 Spiderman

2 rounds


3 Deadlift

3 Clean pull

3 Hang muscle clean

3 Power Clean

3 sets (1 set empty barbell, 2 sets building)

Strength (3 Rounds for reps)

10:00 to establish a Heavy Hang Power Clean Single

10:00 to establish a Heavy Power Clean Double

10:00 to establish a Heavy Deadlift Triple

Cool Down (Checkmark)

50 Unbroken Russian kettlebell swings

*Focus here is blood to our posterior, focus more on quality than loading. You should be able to hold on for an unbroken set without question. Yes, that means go light.