Today we have a high demand on overall capacity and local muscle endurance. 1:00 at each station never seems like much until you are trying to see how many reps of 1 movement you can do in that time. With the time demand considered, be sure to err on the side of a load that is manageable for 12+ reps on overhead if asked by coach without a doubt. The back to back minutes of squatting will inherently create a unique challenge to the legs and lungs due to the demand of blood flow and oxygen that is consumed by the lower body! Scale GHD sit ups to half reps or to abmat sit ups. Oh, and the height of the wall ball, that’s not a typo (wink, wink).
1:00 Bike
1:00 Row
3 rounds
5 hip down push up
5 push up
6 Scorpion (3 each side)
8 rock back split lunge (foot on bench or similar)
10 PVC or banded pass through
3 rounds
5 Overhead squat (build load each round)
5 Sit up or GHD Sit up
3 rounds
4 rounds for max reps
1:00 stations
Bike (cals)
GHD Sit up
Overhead squat (135/95lb.)
Wallball (20/14lb.) (11/10ft.)
4 rounds for max reps
1:00 stations
Bike (cals)
GHD Sit up (half ROM)
Overhead squat (95/65lb..)
Wallball (14/10lb.) (10/9ft.)
4 rounds for max reps
1:00 stations
Bike (cals)
Abmat sit up
Overhead squat (15lb./ PVC pipe)
Wallball (10/6lb.) (low height)
Accumulate 2:00 dead hang supinate grip
Ring support 1-2 minutes