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WOD – Sat, Sep 21


Today we throw our own spin on “the longest mile”. We will split the work up in the gym between each pairing however they see fit, but the runs must be done together. 1 person may return early on the runs to start working on the next movement but both partners must start each run together!

Warm Up (Checkmark)

200m run


30 Jumping jack

10 Ground to overhead (no weight)

10 Hip down push up

5 Inch worm

10 Spiderman (5 each side)


5 Burpee

5 Air Squat

5 Broad jump

5 Kipping Swing

2 rounds


Demo all workout movements for conditioning with partner!

Workout (Time)


4 Rounds for time

20 Burpee to rig

100 meter run

20 Wallballs (20/14lb.) (10/9ft.)

100 meter run

100ft. Broad jump

100 meter run

20 Chest to bar pull up

100 meter run


4 Rounds for time

20 Burpee to rig

100 meter run

20 Wallballs (14/10lb.) (10/9ft.)

100 meter run

100ft. Broad jump

100 meter run

20 Pull up (or banded pull up)

100 meter run


3 Rounds for time

20 Burpee to rig

100 meter run

20 Wallballs (10/6lb.) (9ft.)

100 meter run

50ft. Broad jump

100 meter run

20 Ring row

100 meter run

Cool Down (AMRAP – Reps)

Partner sit up

3x 1:00 max reps/ 1:00 Rest

*Choose load for medball based on both partners capacity.

No partner? Throw ball at wall each rep!

Video: Team CrossFit – Partner med ball sit up

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