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WOD – Fri, Sep 20


Today we go heavy! The goal is to challenge the upper body pressing results from last week as well as the pulling strength. We did bench press last week, so the loads will vary, but with pulling the idea is to increase or intensify difficulty in some way either through longer eccentric contractions, more strict pull up reps or heavier external load to your body. Conditioning today is a triplet that can allow for high output unless you are limited by 1 of the specific movements. The goal is to remain steady with transitions and scale to allow yourself to begin for unbroken work as long as possible. 8-10 rounds is a great goal for high output with 6 rounds on the low end, scale accordingly!

Warm Up (Checkmark)

500m Row

Each 100m gently increase speed


5 Banded pass through

10 Banded strict press (stand on band)

10 Banded high pull (stand on band)

2 rounds


:10 Dead hang

10 Light KB Deadlift

5 Light Russian KB Swing

1 Wall Walk + :10 handstand hold (belly in to spine, hollow)

2 rounds


Prep for strength work

Strength (Weight)

Every 3:00 x 5 sets

Execute 3 heavy strict press


3-5 strict/weighted pull ups

*All the work must happen each 3:00 window.

Workout (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


12:00 AMRAP

4 Wall facing HSPU

8 Toes to bar

12 KB swing (70/53lb.)


12:00 AMRAP

4 Wall facing HSPU (abmat under head)

8 Hanging leg raises

12 KB swing (53/35lb.)


12:00 AMRAP

4 Box Pike HSPU (knees)

8 Lying leg raise

12 KB swing (25/15lb.)

Cool Down (Checkmark)

3x :30 max reps banded tricep push down


3x :30 max reps banded face pull

Rest as needed between sets

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