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WOD – Mon, Sep 2


New week, no barbell. No, not the whole week silly. Just today. Bodies and minds are fresh and ready to attack, so we will do just that, putting an emphasis on body control and body weight movement. Isometric core exercises are likely the ones you often overlook for something more “sexy” like toes to bar, GHD Sit ups or abmat sit ups, but we start today with the L sit–your version of choice! Conditioning today is the kind CrossFit OG’s love and appreciate. Simple, effective, elegant and gut busting are words I’d choose to describe it. The air squats are how we start each minute and if they take you much more than :25 then you won’t have much time for burpee work. Scale accordingly, move fast.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

200m Run

1:00 Row

1:00 Bike

2 rounds


:10 Dead hang

:10 Handstand hold (against wall)

:10 Hollow hold

5 Hip down push up

3 Inch worm

2 rounds

Strength/Skill (Checkmark)

Midline Strength:

10:00 to practice L sit variations

  • Parallette L Sit
  • KB L Sit
  • Box L Sit
  • L Sit from the floor
  • Ring Support L Sit


For time and for quality (yes, we can pursue both!)

Accumulate 1:00 of the most difficult L Sit that allows you to achieve this in 3 sets or less.

Workout (Time)


100 Burpees to the rig (just out of reach)

EMOM including 0:00 execute 15 air squat

(Sub 15:00 target time)


80 Burpees to the rig (just out of reach)

EMOM including 0:00 execute 10 air squat

(Sub 15:00 target time)

40 Burpee (Ground to get up)

EMOM including 0:00 execute 3 air squat

(Sub 15:00 target time)

Cool Down (Checkmark)

:30 Wall/Rig pec stretch each arm

:30 Cross body shoulder stretch each arm


2×10-15 Ring row or inverted row with a barbell