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WOD – Thu, Sep 19


Today we start with an EMOM of hang power cleans! While we are priming for our conditioning session to follow, the goal is to begin some real working sets around the 5 minute mark so half of your reps are focused on building strength and challenging your form/capacity. The conditioning today is a simple interval style approach. This style of fitness can build high levels of self awareness and pacing ability while building aerobic threshold and lactic buffering (the burn). If the row takes you longer than 1:30 you should scale the calories back and each round shouldn’t take more than 2:30 total. With those suggestions, you should see that hang power cleans should at least be able to start unbroken today for an appropriate stimulus.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

:30 Seal Jack

:30 Row

4 rounds


10 Standing alternating quad stretch (1 count hold each)

10 Spiderman (5 each)

10 Alternating box step up

2 rounds


3 Deadlift

3 Hang muscle clean

3 Hang Power clean

4 Box jump + step down

4 rounds

*each round build the barbell slightly to begin prep for EMOM.

Strength (Weight)

Every minute on the minute for 10:00

Start at 55-60% 1rm hang power clean and execute 2 reps each minute.

Goal is to build throughout, but ensure a sharp and snappy execution for the first 3-6 minutes before you introduce too much struggle.

Workout (Time)


5 rounds of:

24/18 Cal Row

12 Hang power clean (135/95lb.)

12 Box jump over (24/20’)

2:00 Rest


5 rounds of:

18/14 Cal Row

12 Hang power clean (95/65lb.)

12 Box jump over (24/20’)

2:00 Rest


5 rounds of:

12/8 Cal Row

12 Hang power clean (45/30lb.)

12 Box jump over (8/6’’)

2:00 Rest

Cool Down (AMRAP – Reps)

8x :20 on/ :10 off

Seated Russian twist

25/15lb. Plate or DB’s RX’d.

Optional Flow (Checkmark)

*This can be done any day of the week, no coach needed. It is designed for members who are feeling sore and beat up but would like to come into the gym and can have available space to move.

5:00 Easy Bike

100ft Bear crawl forward

100ft. Bear crawl backward

100ft. Lateral lunge

5:00 Easy Ski or Row

20 Scorpion stretch

:30 Kneeling lat/Tricep stretch (Kneeling Thoracic Extension/Lat Stretch)

30 Kneeling banded twist each side Kneeling Band Oblique Twist

5:00 easy Row or Ski

:30 Half kneeling thoracic rotation (wall) (Half Kneeling Thoracic Rotation (Open / Wall))

:30 Half kneeling thoracic rotation (opposite side)

1:00 bottom squat hold

2 rounds for quality

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