Hump day brings thrusters. No time for a lull in focus or intensity today! Our intent is to build to a heavy set of 3 thrusters during our strength portion. It will guide as a primer and a consideration on how heavy we should get in today’s conditioning portion. The thrusters in the workout should be challenging today, if 21’s have to be broken into 3 sets that is ok, the other 2 rep schemes should be able to be “halved” in order to be achieved. The midline will be challenged throughout, and GHD sit ups can be reduced in volume or subbed for an abmat or a floor sit up for those with little to no GHD exposure or experience.
:30 Bike
:30 lateral shuffle (25ft. out and back, on repeat)
5 rounds
:10 Supinated dead hang
5 Air squat
10 Hollow rock
3 rounds
3 Front squat
3 Push press
3 Thruster
4 sets; start at empty bar, build lightly toward your first set of thrusters from the rack.
Every 2:00 x 6 sets
Execute 3 thrusters from the rack.
GHD Sit Up
Thruster (155/105lb.)
For time.
Abmat Sit Up
Thruster (95/65lb.)
For time.
Assisted Sit Up
Thruster (35/15lb.)
For time.
Banded terminal knee extension (Link: Banded Terminal Knee Extension)
3x 15 each leg
3x :20 each leg Iso Lunge (weight optional DB’s or KB’s at side) (Link: Split Lunge ISO)
Rest as needed between sets.
*These contractions after all the thrusters and GHD’s can help create a regenerative feeling in the knees above and below patella.